Thursday, 8 December 2016

ES0UG QSLs sent out


all QSLs for ES0UG are sent out via the bureau. LY2AAM-QSLs will follow until the end of this month. Just to remember, pse do not send a card via the bureau anymore. If you can't receive a card via the bureau, there're still a few QSLs left to answer direct requests for both calls.

73s de Uwe DL3BQA

Sunday, 23 October 2016

QSLs and labels printed


today I put the first labels on all the QSLs which I received direct. These will be send out this week. All other cards will be labeled as time allows and send out via the bureau. So, if you have not done it by now, please do not send a card.
Tnx to DL5CW for designing the QSLs and printing the labels.

73s de Uwe, DL3BQA

Monday, 11 July 2016

IARU-6m-Contest 2016 LY2AAM won the MO-class!


results are here, we're very pleased with our 1st place, as we started with nearly 4h delay. Thanks to all QSO-partners and our supporters and friends in LY, namely LY2BAW, LY2K, LY2NO, LY2SA,LY3SL and LY5O. LY2AAM was operated by DG1BHA,DH5FS,DL3BQA and DL5CW.
KO23EX was a very nice and quiet QTH for VHF-operations, we hope to come back for another time. Ham-spirit is alive in Lithuania, so it's real fun to be there.

73s on behalf of the LY2AAM-crew de Uwe DL3BQA

Monday, 27 June 2016

Last day

Monday, 20th of June:
Last day, rainy day. Our last stop was at the "Oberländer Kanal" , last year I found there a campsite which was free of charge. This year it took some money to stay with cold water and portable toilets, but anyway we stood there for one night in LYFF-0618 and made some QSOs as SP4/DG1BHA too. Activating WFF-areas is not that easy, without cluster-spots the number of callers is even low. Well guys, is it too difficult to check the band? As we'd no GSM there in JO93TX deep in the wood we could not help ourselves...
After nearly 3500 kmtrs we came back to JO73CF with new experiences, a lot of QSOs and we'd 13 days of ham-radio-holidays plus sightseeing.Thanks to all supporters and callers.
What else:
-sending the log for the IARU-6m-Contest
-typing all the MS-QSOs in the Computer
-checking all the logs
-printing the QSLs and the labels
-answering the QSLs

So stay tuned, after the HAM-RADIO @ Friedrichshafen I hope to present a few more statistics. Meet you there! 73s de Uwe

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

LY2AAM 6m-contest/4m-activity+WFF LYFF-002 KO23EX

Sorry that I could not do it before, but now I try to let you know some other details concerning our expedition.
We left Saaremaa and went to Kurtuvenanai at Friday. Cause it was quite late and stormy we decided not to erect any antennas to activate LYFF-015. At Saturday we met LY2BAW and had a nice lunch with him. Tnx for the beer and the high-percentage mead.Tadas told us that a violent storm was crossing southern Lithuania the night before. We saw many broken trees and some areas had no electricity for a long time. The lunch took some time and we went to KO23 in the afternoon. Our local guides where not available because of the storm we'd to find our QTH in KO23EX ourselves. That took a little time, but we found a very nice QTH with a good take-off to all directions. It was hot and building up the antennas and prepairing the QTH was hard work. My PA had some trouble with the generator, but finally we did it. The IARU-6m-Contest started at 14UT but we could not join before 18UT. So we lost the 1st opening but made more than 700 QSOs in the remaining 20 hours.
I hope that the score will last for a good result. On Sunday DL5CW made an LYFF-002 activation and DG1BHA activated LY2AAM also on 4mtrs. After 24 hours in the wilderness we went to the Druskiniankai campsite. Wow-after a long shower life came back!

73s de Uwe

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

KO07XX and leaving EU-034


well the WX became a bit better  at the 16th of June for a few hours. Due the lack of time we'd to decide not to go to KO17, cause there're also a few residents in YL and maybe also in ES (???). So we went to the rarer #  with 2 cars an 3 OPs for 3 bands.

We'll, only a short E-sporadic opening on 6m with around 30 QSO plus 23 JT6M-QSOs. On 4mtrs less than 20 JT6M-QSOs, but on 2mtrs was a big demand in MS and after the sucessfull EME-tests from KO18 DH5FS made some EME-QSOs from KO07 too. So we left this nice (but windy) QTH with a very fine take-off in the evening twilight. On the way back home I'd to break hard to avoid a collosion with an adult elk. That's adrenalin as it's best...
Sorry again for KO17, but as the Stones sang "You can't always get what you want" - don't be afraid, there'll be another chance.
So we left Saaremaa with some very nice impressions (Yes we also made some sightseeing!) and more than 100 Qs on 2, a few dozens on 4 and more than 500 on 6, plus around 700 on SW using ES0UG plus 1300 QSOs with ES0/DL5CW. A complete statistic will be posted when all logs are checked, the MS-QSOs are typed into the computer.

73s de Uwe

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

WX and other trouble

Hallo out there,

the plan was to go to KO07 and 17 today, but as we saw the wx-forecast we decided to stay in KO18 and not to go out into a wet meadow. Now it's raining here so the decision was right. We hope that we can go tomorrow to KO07/17 , if the time allows. If not we'll only stay in KO07-so stay tuned.
After coming back from KO08WG I forgot to change my personal text @ON4KST, but I transmitted CQ from KO18. To clear it up: All QSOs from the 13th of June 18Z to the 14th of June 10Z are from KO08WG, all other QSOs during the last days were from KO18AE.
I'm very sorry-xcus. But that was not the only trouble. Within a QSO I got a "blue screen" and had to restart, so sri for delay. This is such a day to take a few beer and go to sleep...
So 73s de Uwe

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

KO08WG last night


Late in the evening - nordic nights
Yesterday evening DG1BHA and DL3BQA packed the bags and went to KO08WG. QTH nr Karala with a nice view over the sea. The aim was to start earlier, but during the day we'd to check out the QTHs for KO07 and KO17. So we became qrv at around 18UT and made as much MS-QSOs as possible. As we decided to go qrt in the morning 6m brought some ES so we stayed in  KO08 as long as possible. We're only qrv on 4+6mtrs, cause ES0/DM2ECM was qrv from KO08 same days before and made a lot of 2m-QSOs. Now one evening in KO18, then we go for 1 day to KO07 and KO17 from the15th to the 16th of June. Hope for more ES during this trip. 

73s de Uwe

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Well it works!

Good evening,

I just switched off my 6m-station after a sucessfull day. Last evening and today in the morning we made some MS-QSOs on 6+4+2mtrs. If you're still in need of KO18, the 2m-station will be there until thursday at least. Today we could not reach the 2m-ES, but on 4 and 6mtrs it was nice to work such a lot of stations (nearly 500 together).
We hope to get such a nice opening also during our stay in KO08WG tomorrow, we'll be there in the afternoon and stay there till the next morning with 6+4 mtrs. If there's no ES  we'll be qrv JT6M, also as ES0UG. Hope to catch you, 73 de Uwe

Picture shows our little antenna farm in KO18AE, 2x SW-multibandantennas, 9-ele for 2mtrs, 4-ele for 6mtrs and  3-ele for 2mtrs.

Saturday, 11 June 2016



after a long trip with bad WX yesterday we arrived in KO18AE this afternoon. Most of the antennas are erected. At now we're qrv as ES0UG 6+4+2 WSJT plus one station on SW (ES0/DL5CW) . So we're hoping for some sporadic E. Tomorrow we'll check the QTH in KO08. From there we'll operate only 6+4, cause ES0/DM2ECM was very active on 2mtrs within the last days. At now it's not sure which night/which square 
Stay tuned, all activities will be announced here. 73 on behalf of the whole crew de Uwe DL3BQA

Friday, 10 June 2016


Yesterday it took a very long time to travel through Poland. As we arrived finally in Goldap it's much too late to become qrv. So no SPFF-102. We took a nice nap and started today via LY and YL to ES. Late in the evening we arrived in KO27FX. Heavy rain, we hope it will stop. Tomorrow we'll go to EU-034 by ferry and hopefully we can build up the stations within the afternoon. See you on the bands, 73s de Uwe DL3BQA/ES0UG/LY2AAM

Monday, 6 June 2016

Final schedule

09.06.-11.06. Trip DL/SP/LY/YL/ES , overnight stays KO14 (SPFF102)+KO27
11.06.-17.06. Saaremaa-Island Base-QTH KO18, ESFF-203 with side-trips to the other squares (one night each square) ES0UG+CEPT
17.06.-18.06. Trip ES/YL/LY, one overnight stay KO15 (LYFF015)
18.06.-19.06. 6mtrs-IARU-Contest from KO23 as LY2AAM plus some 4mtrs and/or 2mtrs depending on time and manpower and if 6mtrs is dead (LYFF-002) also CEPT
19.06.-20.06. Overnight stay KO14 (LY)
20.06.-21.06. Overnight stay JO93 (SPFF-0618)
21.06.            Back home and preparing for HAM-Radio @ Friedrichshafen
We'll have one fixed station in KO18 for 2mtrs and at least one for SW, maybe two if the 2mtrs-operator has nothing to do.... 6mtrs+4mtrs+2nd 2mtrs-station will be travelling around the squares (at least one activation each for KO07/KO08/KO17) on the island therefor we'll post where we are at ON4KST-chat and in the cluster-network. Pse do not expect 24h operation, sometimes we're doing sightseeing and we're taking a nap too. It's ham-radio-holiday.
No skeds only random. Frequencies TBA on arrival. If you hear us on tropo or ES when we're cqing JT6M do not hesitate to call us in SSB or CW. We tx 1st and we'll try to be qrv into almost all directions.
If our 4mtrs-qrg does not meet your local allocation please give us a notice, we'll try to qsy or work split. In such cases send SMS to +491357599 if you can't reach us in any other way. 
On Saaremaa there’re also some WFF-areas and we’ll try to activate one or another too if time allows, these short time activities will be announced in the cluster-network when we're qrv. 
We’ll post any news here on . During the expedition we hope to be qrv in the cluster network and on
73s de Uwe DL3BQA/ES0UG/LY2AAM

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Expedition schedule 1st release

Time schedule Expedition ES-034 Saaremaa-Isl. KO07/08/17/18 plus KO23 June 2016

09.06.-11.06. Trip DL/SP/LY/YL/ES , overnight stays KO14+KO28
11.06.-17.06. Saaremaa-Island Base-QTH KO18, ESFF-203 with side-trips to the other squares (one night each square) ES0UG+CEPT
17.06.-18.06. Trip ES/YL/LY, one overnight stay KO15
18.06.-19.06. 6mtrs-IARU-Contest from KO23 as LY2AAM+CEPT plus some 4mtrs and/or 2mtrs depending on time and manpower and if 6mtrs is dead.
19.06.-20.06. Overnight stay KO14
20.06.-21.06. Overnight stay JO93
21.06.            Back home and preparing for HAM-Radio @ Friedrichshafen

On the way to ES0 and back we’ll try to activate some WFF-areas during the overnight stays like SPFF-102 and 0618 and LYFF-002 and 015. On Saaremaa there’re also some WFF-areas and we’ll try to active one or another too if time allows.

We’ll post any news here on . During the expedition we hope to be qrv in the cluster network and on

73s de Uwe DL3BQA/ES0UG/LY2AAM

Friday, 15 April 2016

Licence issued

Good evening,

today I received my Estonian licence. Look out for ES0UG from the 11th to the 17th of June from Saaremaa-Island. Other activities with CEPT-callsigns will take place too,  so please check this blog to find out all the news.  The time schedule for our trip will be published within the next days.

73s de Uwe DL3BQA

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Getting started

Hi out there,

after a few months of discussion and preparation we're proud to announce the campaign kick-off for our 2016 expedition.
From the 9th to the 21st of June 2016 DG1BHA, DH5FS, DL5CW and me will go on a trip to Saaremaa-Isl. (EU-034). On the way back to DL we'll have a short stay in KO23 to operate in the IARU-6m-Contest. As there're a few WFF-areas on the way to the island, on Saaremaa and on the way back we'll try to activate some of them too. But the main focus will be shortwave from our base-QTH on Saaremaa with ESFF-203 in KO18 and 6m/4m/2m from all squares on EU-034. We'll stay at least one night in every rare square KO07/KO08 and KO17 operating MS/ES/TR. All news concerning our activities will be published here. There will be no comment function for this blog, so if you've any questions, suggestions or comments feel free to send me a mail.
All concrete plans and further informations will be published as soon as possible - so stay tuned!

73s de Uwe DL3BQA