Tuesday 21 June 2016

KO07XX and leaving EU-034


well the WX became a bit better  at the 16th of June for a few hours. Due the lack of time we'd to decide not to go to KO17, cause there're also a few residents in YL and maybe also in ES (???). So we went to the rarer #  with 2 cars an 3 OPs for 3 bands.

We'll, only a short E-sporadic opening on 6m with around 30 QSO plus 23 JT6M-QSOs. On 4mtrs less than 20 JT6M-QSOs, but on 2mtrs was a big demand in MS and after the sucessfull EME-tests from KO18 DH5FS made some EME-QSOs from KO07 too. So we left this nice (but windy) QTH with a very fine take-off in the evening twilight. On the way back home I'd to break hard to avoid a collosion with an adult elk. That's adrenalin as it's best...
Sorry again for KO17, but as the Stones sang "You can't always get what you want" - don't be afraid, there'll be another chance.
So we left Saaremaa with some very nice impressions (Yes we also made some sightseeing!) and more than 100 Qs on 2, a few dozens on 4 and more than 500 on 6, plus around 700 on SW using ES0UG plus 1300 QSOs with ES0/DL5CW. A complete statistic will be posted when all logs are checked, the MS-QSOs are typed into the computer.

73s de Uwe

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